Welcome to your Enlightenment Project!
Today in class you began your great experiment, but the work is not over. Here is a review of our project!
In groups of four, you are to use the scientific method to examine a failed state and how to create a satisfactory, utilitarian government. You will do this by observing our hypothetical problem, and forming an experiment designed to find a solution to it!
Our Problem: The people of Madeupistan are rebelling against their current government. You have been called in to observe and formulate a solution. As such, you will follow the following scientific steps.
1. Formulate a Hypothesis
2. Test the Hypothesis
3. Analyze the Data and form a conclusion
4. Conclude and implement change
Remember, when you create an analytical framework for your data, be careful how you gather your facts. Stalin, after all, had a 98% approval rating (because of FEAR)
I look forward to you group presentations tomorrow!! Make sure your group presents your lab report OBJECTIVELY and well.