Saturday, December 23

IB 2 20th Century REMINDER

Hey guys, make sure you get me the first parts of your Internal Assessments so I can see your progress! Email me at

Tuesday, December 12

Humanities 10 The Science of the State

Welcome to your Enlightenment Project!
Today in class you began your great experiment, but the work is not over. Here is a review of our project!
In groups of four, you are to use the scientific method to examine a failed state and how to create a satisfactory, utilitarian government. You will do this by observing our hypothetical problem, and forming an experiment designed to find a solution to it!

Our Problem: The people of Madeupistan are rebelling against their current government. You have been called in to observe and formulate a solution. As such, you will follow the following scientific steps.
1. Formulate a Hypothesis
2. Test the Hypothesis
3. Analyze the Data and form a conclusion
4. Conclude and implement change

Remember, when you create an analytical framework for your data, be careful how you gather your facts. Stalin, after all, had a 98% approval rating (because of FEAR)

I look forward to you group presentations tomorrow!! Make sure your group presents your lab report OBJECTIVELY and well.

Wednesday, December 6

Theory of Knowledge Aesthitics Reading

Hey TOKers... some extra reading on the theory of Aesthetics! Please choose one of the great theorists on the following page, research their views on aesthetical knowledge and their own personal philosophies. I will hear you speak of them in our next class!!! Have a great weekend...

Humanities 10 Reading for the Weekend

Hey guys, make sure you read the following section on the Glorious Revolution! See you on Saturday!