Wednesday, August 8

Saturday, May 19

History of the Americas Review Questions

(some) Possible ID Terms:
The Starving Time
Admiral Penn
The New Laws of 1544
Oliver Cromwell
Indentured Servants
Jean-Baptist Colbert
The Intolerable Acts
Second Continental Congress
Legba (Ellegua)
Vincent Oge
Gens de couleur
Gran Colombia
Possible short answer questions:
Read the following quote from your reading, and then answer this question: How was the impossibility of English self-sufficiency integral to the foundation of mercantilism?

1. The ideal was a self-sufficient England, but in practice, such self-sufficiency was impossible. Colonies were seen as a means of reducing the nation’s dependence on foreign countries.
Increasing the population of New France was central to the imperialist goals of Jean Baptist Colbert. Why, and what steps did the French government take in both the short and long term to ensure a large Canadian colonial population? Your answer should focus on explaining the imperial motivations behind creating and maintaining a large colonial empire.

2. The Haitian Revolution was brought about by a Crisis of Expectations amongst the middle class, yet ultimately it destroyed that class. What was this crisis and how did it resolve itself? Please explain how and why the revolution ultimately did not satisfy the desires of this crisis.
During the period of political unrest in England (1649-1688) the colonies underwent a period of “benign [not harmful] or salutary [beneficial] neglect.” How did this effect the lives of the Colonial British?

3. What were the motivations and consequences of Simon Bolivar’s political life? How and why did he become the “Great Liberator” and why did he feel that his revolution was ultimately a failure?

Possible Essay Topics: be prepared to discuss all the following topics in essay form. If you are interested in possible essay questions, please email me!

Creolization and Nationalism

Revolution and Post-Colonialism

Sunday, April 22

History of the Americas TEST review

Hey Guys, here is the famous "list" of things YOU need to be familiar with for our upcoming test! GOOD LUCK!

The Virginia Company
The Northwest Passage
Joint-Stock Venture
Church of England
The Starving Time
Cash Crops
Indentured Servants
The Mayflower
Plymouth Plantation
"A Citty on a Hille"
Triangle Trade
Fur Trading
Jean Baptiste Colbert
Subsidized Immigration
The Appalachian Mountains
The French and Indian War
The Plains of Abraham
The Proclamation of 1763
The Sons of Liberty
Sam Adams
Paul Revere
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
Patrick Henry
The Boston Tea Party
The Boston Massacre
The Intolerable Acts
The Townsend Duties
The Battle of Lexington and Concord
The Declaration of Independence
The Battle of Saratoga
The Battle of Yorktown
The Articles of Confederation
The Constitution of the United States of America

Tuesday, April 17

Humanities 10 JAPAN REVIEW

Meiji Naval Officers of the Imperial Fleet

Welcome to your review sheet for tomorrow's TEST!
the following is a list of important names, places, ideas, and events that will be covered on the test!

The Heian Era
The Kamakura Shogunate
The First (and Second) Mongol Invasion
The Kamikaze
Oda Nobunaga
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Tokugawa Ieyasu
The Tokugawa Baku-fu
The Baku-Han System
The System of Alternate Attendance
Noh Theatre
The Hagi School
Yoshida Shoen
Ito Hirobumi
Saigo Takamura
Commodore Perry, USN
"Revere the Emperor, Expel the Barbarians"
"Foreign Technology, Japanese Spirit"
The Meiji Restoration
"Civilization and Enlightenment"
Fukozawa Yukichi
"Rich Country, Strong Nation"

Wednesday, March 28

Humanities 10 Japanese Project

The Meiji Restoration Project!

hey guys, here is your project to be done over break. I would like you to compose a 2 page (double spaced) journal. Imagine that you are a student living in a villiage outside of Edo during the Meiji Restoration and Saigo's Revolt. Write a personal journal entry describing your days events and what your life is like (specifically with your family and friends). YOU WILL HAVE TO DO OUTSIDE RESEARCH TO COMPLETE THIS PROJECT. Look into how the Meiji Restoration impacted the lives and minds of the Japanese. A brief internet search should yield interesting results, and make sure to use your packet as well!

This project is designed to assess MYP Criterion B, C, and D! Good luck!


Tuesday, March 27



Sunday, March 18

Humanities 10 -- The Meiji Restoration Reading!!!

Hey guys, tonight your homework will be to read pages 2 and 3 of our Meiji Restoration handout. Make sure to underline, highlight, or take notes to be ready to answer questions on it tomorrow in class!!!



Monday, March 12

Sunday, March 11

History of the Americas

Hey guys, some quick readings! For tonight, please read lessons 1 and 2 linked from the following page!

They are quick and easy! See you tomorrow.


Wednesday, March 7

TOK faith reading #4!

You guys have done a great job dealing with the very difficult course readings on this subject, so I have decided to challenge you in a different way. The reading below will be SIGNIFICANTLY easier than those of St. Issac, Siddharta, and Ibn Rushd. They will, however, provide a VERY different perspective, and one that you do not have ready access to. I invite you to approach this with an open, yet critical mind. I look forward to our discussion of it on Saturday!

Have a great weekend. Have fun with this reading...

check it out at:

Sunday, March 4

TOK Reading, March 4!

Hey guys! I'd really like you to read chapter 4 of Religion and Philosophy, "Divine Justice and Injustice" by Ibn Rushd... for class tomorrow! Be ready to discuss his views on faith and knowledge!

the reading:

Tuesday, February 27

History of the Americas reading tongiht! (Feb 27)

Hey guys. I would like yout o have finished the next chapter of our Canada handout by saturday, so make sure you begin now! i will be lecturing on this material tomorrow, so the more you've read, the better questions you will have!

Saturday, February 17

TOK Faith Reading No. 2

Today (2/18) we will complete our discussion of St. Isaac the Syrian's perspectives on the relationship between faith and knowledge. Therefore, we must now move east, and examine a wholly (or holy) different perspective. I invite you all to read the following quote from Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha), and then to read the first section (entitled "The Nine Ways not to accept something as true") of the webpage linked below it. We will be reading subsequent sections of the page later this week, so it may be a good idea to bookmark it! Cheers.

Do not believe in something because it is reported. Do not believe in something because it has been practiced by generations or becomes a tradition or part of a culture. Do not believe in something because a scripture says it is so. Do not believe in something believing a god has inspired it. Do not believe in something a teacher tells you to. Do not believe in something because the authorities say it is so. Do not believe in hearsay, rumor, speculative opinion, public opinion, or mere acceptance to logic and inference alone. Help yourself, accept as completely true only that which you test for yourself and know to be good for yourself and others.

-- The Buddha, The Kalama Sutta, Anguttara Nikaya, Sutta Pitaka

The Sight:

Sunday, February 11

TOK -- you gotta have faith!

Hey guys, as we dive headlong into our Ways of Knowing, our next topic will be a highly controversial one. A discussion of Faith and Knowledge can lead to some very impassioned responses. It shall then be my job to be both your teacher and moderator as we move into our next topic, and as such, I will attempt to provide you with a plethora of readings from our diverse world. Our first of these comes from an essay entitled The Theory Of Knowledge of St. Isaac the Syrian by St. Justin Popovich, and while it is an Orthodox Christian study of Faith and Knowledge, this essay provides us with a unique perspective in which to veiw the relationship between both. I do hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I have, as it is an extremely unique work. I would like you to have printed this out and read it closely for our next class. The essay can be found at the following link:

History of the Americas, QUIZ REVIEW!

History of the Americas: Review Sheet on Jamestown and Plymouth!
Below are the topics which I expect you to discuss intelligently on your upcoming quiz (this Tuesday!)

1. Why and how was the Jamestown colony settled? What were the goals of its founders? How did these goals endanger the lives of Jamestown’s first colonists, and even, the existence of the colony itself?

2. After 1624, a massive change can be observed in the Virginia Colony. What was this change, and how did it manifest itself socially, politically and economically?

3. The switch from a labor reliance on Indentured Servants to African slaves signaled a massive social change in Virginia. Why did this switch occur, and what was its result?

4. Why was the Pilgrim experience in Plymouth Colony (1620) so radically different from that of those in Jamestown (1607)? What major differences created such dichotomous (use a dictionary) experiences?

5. As a mass exodus of Puritans from England resulted in a booming growth in Boston, and a land hunger drove farmers to Virginia, two very different societies developed in the British North American Colonies (hereafter referred to as BNAC). Please describe these societies, and the geo-economic features which helped define them!

Tuesday, January 30

History of the Americas Jamestown Reading Assignement

Hey guys, make sure you complete the reading handed out today in class, and type up COMPLETE answers to questions 1-4.
Pay close attention to the dates and names of our primary sources!


Hey guys, welcome. All the posts following this one are for second semester. Make sure to check back here daily for syllabi and homework assignments!

Tuesday, January 9

History of the Americas Review Sheet

Hey Guys, here is your review sheet!

History of the Americas Possible IDs/Topics for essays:

Ferdinand and Isabella
The Reconquista
Christopher Colombus
Santo Domingo
Colonial Model
Crisis of Expectations
Contraband Trade
Diego Velazquez
Hernan Cortes
Geronimo de Aguilar
Dona Marina (la malinche)
Gente Decente
Gente de Pueblo
The New Laws of 1542
The Pope
The Mission