Here are your Upcoming Assignments!
Assignment 1: please study the von Schlieffen Plan at the following web page: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/FWWschlieffenP.htm
and answer the following question in essay form:
1. Please explain the GOALS of the von Schlieffen Plan, and then explain how it was implemented. Why was the plan so good on paper, yet so bad in actuality?
Assignment 2: The Blue Book pp. 845 to 850
Assignment 3: The Source Book pp208 to 212 "The Question of Belgian Neutrality"
Assignment 3: 6.7 The Static War from pages 168 to 170 AND The Source Book reading "They Shall Not Pass" pp. 213 to 221
Assignment 4: 6.7 from 170-176 (including the Stalemate of 1915) Then, please go to following link and read more about the Battle of the Somme. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/FWWsomme.htm
I would like each of you to read the overview of the battle, and then select TWO primary accounts of the battle to present to class! Organize yourselves so there is no overlap!
Assignment 5: please read 6.8 War and the Domestic, AND The Source Book pp 221 to 223
then select one form of wartime propoganda from either France, Germany, Britain or the US and explain its intended impact!
Assignment 6: 6.9 Prospects for Success
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