Tuesday, November 14

IB2 20th Century Homework

Hey guys, your sourcebook only provides two of the many willy-nicky telegrams of July. I would like you to read all of them before providing your written arguments! They can be found here:
Here is some help when analyzing these documents!
Learning Advice
Remember that the causes of war go beneath the surface of what countries publicly say and write. Often they have hidden agendas. Each country wants something, and they may use their alliance with another country as an excuse to pursue their real goals. Ask yourself, what is your countryĆ­s real goal(s)?
When you read the primary source documents, ask yourself these questions:
Who wrote the document and does the author have a bias?
For whom is it written and why?
Did the author create it for a particular cause?
Was it written by an eyewitness?
Was the document translated and could the translation affect the meaning of the document?
What kind of document is it and who was meant to see it?
What was happening when this document was written?

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