Wednesday, August 8
Saturday, May 19
History of the Americas Review Questions

The Starving Time
Admiral Penn
The New Laws of 1544
Oliver Cromwell
Indentured Servants
Jean-Baptist Colbert
The Intolerable Acts
Second Continental Congress
Legba (Ellegua)
Vincent Oge
Gens de couleur
Gran Colombia
Possible short answer questions:
Read the following quote from your reading, and then answer this question: How was the impossibility of English self-sufficiency integral to the foundation of mercantilism?
Increasing the population of New France was central to the imperialist goals of Jean Baptist Colbert. Why, and what steps did the French government take in both the short and long term to ensure a large Canadian colonial population? Your answer should focus on explaining the imperial motivations behind creating and maintaining a large colonial empire.
During the period of political unrest in England (1649-1688) the colonies underwent a period of “benign [not harmful] or salutary [beneficial] neglect.” How did this effect the lives of the Colonial British?
Possible Essay Topics: be prepared to discuss all the following topics in essay form. If you are interested in possible essay questions, please email me!
Creolization and Nationalism
Revolution and Post-Colonialism
Sunday, April 22
History of the Americas TEST review

The Virginia Company
The Northwest Passage
Joint-Stock Venture
Church of England
The Starving Time
Cash Crops
Indentured Servants
The Mayflower
Plymouth Plantation
"A Citty on a Hille"
Triangle Trade
Fur Trading
Jean Baptiste Colbert
Subsidized Immigration
The Appalachian Mountains
The French and Indian War
The Plains of Abraham
The Proclamation of 1763
The Sons of Liberty
Sam Adams
Paul Revere
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
Patrick Henry
The Boston Tea Party
The Boston Massacre
The Intolerable Acts
The Townsend Duties
The Battle of Lexington and Concord
The Declaration of Independence
The Battle of Saratoga
The Battle of Yorktown
The Articles of Confederation
The Constitution of the United States of America
Tuesday, April 17
Humanities 10 JAPAN REVIEW

Welcome to your review sheet for tomorrow's TEST!
the following is a list of important names, places, ideas, and events that will be covered on the test!

The Heian Era
The Kamakura Shogunate
The First (and Second) Mongol Invasion
The Kamikaze
Oda Nobunaga
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Tokugawa Ieyasu
The Tokugawa Baku-fu

The Baku-Han System
The System of Alternate Attendance
Noh Theatre
The Hagi School
Yoshida Shoen
Ito Hirobumi
Saigo Takamura
Commodore Perry, USN
"Revere the Emperor, Expel the Barbarians"
"Foreign Technology, Japanese Spirit"
The Meiji Restoration
"Civilization and Enlightenment"
Fukozawa Yukichi
"Rich Country, Strong Nation"
Wednesday, March 28
Humanities 10 Japanese Project

The Meiji Restoration Project!
hey guys, here is your project to be done over break. I would like you to compose a 2 page (double spaced) journal. Imagine that you are a student living in a villiage outside of Edo during the Meiji Restoration and Saigo's Revolt. Write a personal journal entry describing your days events and what your life is like (specifically with your family and friends). YOU WILL HAVE TO DO OUTSIDE RESEARCH TO COMPLETE THIS PROJECT. Look into how the Meiji Restoration impacted the lives and minds of the Japanese. A brief internet search should yield interesting results, and make sure to use your packet as well!
This project is designed to assess MYP Criterion B, C, and D! Good luck!
Tuesday, March 27
Sunday, March 18
Monday, March 12
Tonights Reading: History of the Americas
Sunday, March 11
History of the Americas
Wednesday, March 7
TOK faith reading #4!

Sunday, March 4
TOK Reading, March 4!
Tuesday, February 27
History of the Americas reading tongiht! (Feb 27)
Saturday, February 17
TOK Faith Reading No. 2

Sunday, February 11
TOK -- you gotta have faith!

History of the Americas, QUIZ REVIEW!

Below are the topics which I expect you to discuss intelligently on your upcoming quiz (this Tuesday!)
1. Why and how was the Jamestown colony settled? What were the goals of its founders? How did these goals endanger the lives of Jamestown’s first colonists, and even, the existence of the colony itself?
Saturday, February 3
Tuesday, January 30
History of the Americas Jamestown Reading Assignement
Tuesday, January 9
History of the Americas Review Sheet
History of the Americas Possible IDs/Topics for essays:
Ferdinand and Isabella
The Reconquista
Christopher Colombus
Santo Domingo
Colonial Model
Crisis of Expectations
Contraband Trade
Diego Velazquez
Hernan Cortes
Geronimo de Aguilar
Dona Marina (la malinche)
Gente Decente
Gente de Pueblo
The New Laws of 1542
The Pope
The Mission
Saturday, December 23
IB 2 20th Century REMINDER

Tuesday, December 12
Humanities 10 The Science of the State
Today in class you began your great experiment, but the work is not over. Here is a review of our project!
In groups of four, you are to use the scientific method to examine a failed state and how to create a satisfactory, utilitarian government. You will do this by observing our hypothetical problem, and forming an experiment designed to find a solution to it!
Our Problem: The people of Madeupistan are rebelling against their current government. You have been called in to observe and formulate a solution. As such, you will follow the following scientific steps.
1. Formulate a Hypothesis
2. Test the Hypothesis
3. Analyze the Data and form a conclusion
4. Conclude and implement change
Remember, when you create an analytical framework for your data, be careful how you gather your facts. Stalin, after all, had a 98% approval rating (because of FEAR)
I look forward to you group presentations tomorrow!! Make sure your group presents your lab report OBJECTIVELY and well.
Wednesday, December 6
Theory of Knowledge Aesthitics Reading
Humanities 10 Reading for the Weekend
Wednesday, November 29
Humanities 10 Black Death Reading

Tuesday, November 28
History of the Americas QUIZ TOMORROW Nov. 29
See you tomorrow!
Tuesday, November 21
IB 2 History Syllabus: (It's New!)

Got A Question?

Monday, November 20
Humanities 10 Magna Carta Assignment!

Theory of Knowlege - An introduction to Aesthetics

History of the Americas Reading for Nov. 20

1. In this letter an Aztec calls for his sons to accept Spanish Hegemony. Why?
2. How does the author of this letter view the Spanish overlords (encomenderos)?
3. How does the author think that the Native Aztecs may survive in the Spanish Empire? How will this method of survival impact Aztec culture and society?
Excerpted from: (77 of 88)11/18/2006 2:08:38 PM
My beloved children, today on the second day of Toxcati [one of the 20-days "months"] of 15 3 1, on the day that belongs o the one ... true God, who is in heaven and on the earth and everywhere in the world; ... know that everywhere the lords who are in charge of the people are very sad because of what ... the white men of Castile have done and are still doing ....
It is obvious how they punish the revered lords of the towns, those who were in charge of the people, who had the rod [symbol of authority]; it is clear how they are put in prison, because the men of Castile are not satisfied with what they are given, and [they] do not surrender their gold nor their precious stones. It is well known how they jeer at our revered women and daughters.
They are not quiet, except solely with gold and precious stones. They make fun of the wives of those who ruled. They are not quiet but when they burn the others, as they burned alive the greatly revered lord of Michoacan, the great Caltzontzin. Thus they behaved with
other great lords who were in charge, who ruled there in Xalapan, TlaxcaIan, Tecuantepec, Oaxyacac, and [other] towns and chiefdoms where the envious, gold-hungry Christians also entered.... How much blood was shed! It was our fathers' blood! And what for? Why was it done? Learn it once and for all: because they want to impose themselves upon us, because they are utterly gold hungry, voracious of what belongs to others: our chiefdoms, our revered women and daughters, and our lands.
It is known that the Castilian Cortes, the recently named Marques del Valle, was authorized, there in Castile, to come to distribute our lands. Thus it is said ... that secretly the lord Marques will come to take our lands, take possession of ourselves and establish new towns. And where will they throw us? Where will they place us? A very great sadness afflicts us. What will we do, my sons?
Still my heart recovers. I [i.e., the supposed founder of the city] remember, I will establish a town here ... on the slopes of Axochco mountain, in Xaltipac [On the Sand's Surface]. Because from down there to here is the place of the men of Axochco. From down there on, this land is ours, it was left to us by our grandfathers, it was their property since ancient times.
I remember, I will establish a little temple where we will place the new god that the men from Castile have given us. Truly this new god wants us to worship him. What will we do, my sons? Let us receive the water on our heads [be baptized], let us give ourselves to the men of Castile, perhaps in this way they will not kill us.
Let us remain here, Do not trespass [by] going on another's land, perhaps in this way they will not kill us. Let us follow them; thus, perhaps we will awaken their compassion. It will be good if we surrender entirely to them. Oh, that the true god who resides in heaven will help us [coexist] close to the men of Castile. And in order that they will not kill us, we will not claim all our lands. We will reduce in length the extension of our lands, and that which remains, our fathers will defend. Now I declare that, in order for them not to kill us.... we accept to have water poured on our heads, that we worship the new god, as I declare he is the same as the one we had.
Now I reduce in length our lands. Thus it will be. Their limits will begin in the direction from which the sun rises and continue ... [he mentions each of the limits].
I presume that for this small piece of land they will not kill us. It does not matter that it was much larger. This is my decision because I do not want my sons to be killed. Therefore, we will work only this little piece Of land, and thus our sons will do so. Let us hope in this manner they will not kill us ...

Tuesday, November 14
IB2 20th Century Homework

Remember that the causes of war go beneath the surface of what countries publicly say and write. Often they have hidden agendas. Each country wants something, and they may use their alliance with another country as an excuse to pursue their real goals. Ask yourself, what is your countryÃs real goal(s)?
When you read the primary source documents, ask yourself these questions:
Who wrote the document and does the author have a bias?
For whom is it written and why?
Did the author create it for a particular cause?
Was it written by an eyewitness?
Was the document translated and could the translation affect the meaning of the document?
What kind of document is it and who was meant to see it?
What was happening when this document was written?
Monday, November 13
History of the Americas New Reading
Lets try this ONE more time. Please read the section entitled "Patterns of Settlement". This time, let us focus on what we haven't adressed so far. Focus on pages 80-84. Tomorrow my lecture will speak to the form of government that spaniards set up on the continent. THIS IS GOING TO BE VERY IMPORTANT. Also, please bring your reading with you tomorrow so I can walk you through it. MAKE SURE YOU BRING the Penguin History.
Please pay close attention to the discussion of the political impact of encomienda.
I will see you tomorrow. Day 1 begins tomorrow.
Saturday, November 11
humanities 10 Shield of Achilles Final Reading

Wednesday, November 8
History of the Americas Homework (due nov. 12)
The big handout pp. 127 and 128
Edwin Williamson chapter 3, pp 77 to 84 "Patterns of Settlement"
Monday, November 6
History of the Americas TAKE HOME QUESTIONS

Please choose ONE of the following essay questions. Then, using your readings and notes, COMPLETELY and ACCURATELY answer the question. Your essay should contain DIRECT supporting quotes from your reading and notes. Also, I expect your essay to be properly footnoted. If you are confused about citation in any way, use
1. Please explain the political, economic and societal impact of the Spanish institution of encomienda.
2. Please, using the colonial model, analyze the Conquest of Mexico. After doing so, please highlight the differences and similarities that exist between the colonial experience on the island of Hispanola and modern day Mexico.
Saturday, November 4
TOK Perception Projects

TOKers: Please, using your readings, and your unboundable wits, select an image, an illusion or a hoax that tricks our eyes. Then, examine how that image, illusion or hoax WORKS. How does it fool our vision? Please research your topic, and prepare a 3 page report and a 15 minute presentation to share your findings and dazzle our eyes. Your presentation should encorporate both visual and auditory stimuli. GOOD LUCK!
Friday, November 3

Monday, October 30
History of the Americas Homework and Extra Credit (October 30)
make sure you read pgs 85-90 from your big handout tonight to review the final steps of the Spanish conquest of the aztecs and the institution of encomienda! Its a very important factor (both economically and socially) in mexico to this day, so make sure you come in with questions.
Also, for a little fun, I've provided the following pictures! This one the right is a mexican map of Tenochtitlan at the time of conquest.
I will give you extra credit on the upcoming test if you can figure out what this picture below is of, and write a paragraph telling me why you think it is what you think it is! (hows that for good english!)

Also, for more images of Tenochtitlan through the ages up to the modern day, check out the following web site!
Saturday, October 28
IB2 New Syllabus! The Guns of August

Wednesday, October 18
History of the Americas Eid Homework!

History of the Americas reminder:
After Eid break you should be through chapter 6 of your Hassig readings! Take your time and don't rush, you have nine days to enjoy it...
happy holidays!
Saturday, October 14
HUM 10 Sheild of Achilles
cheers all,
p.s. anyone interested in seeing the Lion's Gate of Mycenae, click on the link below!
Tuesday, October 10
Theory of Knowledge Compendium of Illusions
Here are some interesting illusions for you to observe (as an addendum to our readings!) Can you figure out how these illusions fool your eye?

Akiyoshi Kitaoka’s image on the left is called “Out of Focus”. It also leads to a seeming shift of the central disk with respect to the surround. It is very effectively provoked by the eye movements occurring during reading. So, while you are reading this cast your “inner eye” to the left and watch for a seeming decoupling of disk and background. You may also observe that the disk floats above the background.
TRY THIS ILLUSION on your own!
The "frankfurter illusion"
If you have two roughly equivalent eyes you will see a ‘sausage’ floating in front of you in mid air, by following these steps:
Hold your hands in front of you, at 20–30 cm distance from you, at eye level.
Point your index fingers against each other, leaving about 2 cm distance between them.
Now look “trough” your fingers, into the distance behind them.
The sausage should appear now, and you can change its length by varying the distance between the finger tips.
For most observers, the sausage will look blurred, at least initially.
If you try to look at the sausage, it will disappear, it is only present if you look at something more distant than your fingers.
It helps if the background is rather homogenous and has a color very different from your fingers.
THIS ILLUSION is called Mr. Angry and Mr. Calm. Look closely. At first Mr. Angry is on the left. Yet, if you SQUINT or move away from your screen, the faces will SWITCH!

for all of these and more fun illusions (and some every more fun explanations) check out this webpage.
History of the Americas Syllabus

Monday, October 9
Humanities 10 Syllabus from Oct 10

Theory of Knowledge Syllabus starting 10/09

Assignment 1: Sense Experience, section 3.1 (define: Sense Perseption)
Assignment 3: Delusions of the Mind (sweet) to Seeing As (pg 50)
Assignment 4: Seeing As to section 3.3 (pg 55)
Saturday, October 7
History of the Americas Take Home Question

Thursday, October 5
Interested in Amnesty International

There is a new student group at AIS this year, working on protecting the Human Rights of citizens all over the world.
We will be having a massive meeting this coming tuesday (oct 10) but check out the webpage. there are many high level leadership positions available for anyone, so make sure to post a comment with your application (you'll find out about it on the website!)
see you there!

There will be a History of the Americas quiz on SATURDAY!!!! (Oct 7)
be sure to study up. Focus particularly on the issues we have addressed in class, but also be strongly familiar with your Eric Williams readings and the Colonial Model.
some topics that WILL be assessed:
The conquest and colonialization of the island of Hispanola and the surrounding region.
Economics and Slavery within the Spanish Empire.
Sugar and its societal impact.
Power stuggles in Europe and their impact in the Colonial Caribbean.
Hegemony and Colonization
Imperialism and the impact on Africans in the Caribbean.
Wednesday, October 4
IB2 20th Century

Hey guys, here are the reading assignments to follow from saturday on!
assignment 1: Yasmeen will present on the Unification of Germany pp. 168 to 173
assignment 2: Ali on the Corruption of Science pp. 173 to 182
assignment 3: Yasmine on "For God and Country" pp. 182 to 188
assignment 4: Hishem on "The Economic Argument and "Power and Pride" pp. 188 to 191
Upcoming Film TBA
Sunday, October 1
Humanities 10 Homework for the week of Oct 1

here are some Greek Terms you will need to understand your reading"
demos - litterally: "the people"
agathoi - the aristocratic or powerful class of greeks
tyrranis - tyrant, dictator
genos - "clan" or "lineage"
basileus -- an archaic greek king
Assignment 1: Read the section titled "The Hoplite Army" pp 103 - 105 and please answer the following questions.
q1: What is a phalanx, and why is it important?
q2: What is a hoplite?
q3: What is a hoplite's job within a phalanx?
q4: What is "the pushing"?
q5: Who could fight as a hoplite?
Assignment 2: Read the section titled "The Hoplite Army and the Polis" pp. 105 - 106 and answer the following questions.
q1: How did the Hoplite Phalanx effect Greek Political ideology?
q2: What is Tyraeus' view of the phalanx and honor?
q3: How did the Hoplite Phalanx destroy the power of the aristocrats (agathoi)?
Assignement 3: Read the section titled "The Archaic Age Tyrants" and answer the following questions.
q1: What is a Greek Tyrrannos?
q2: What brought about the creation of a tyrranos?
q3: Why would the commoners of a Greek polis support a tyrrannos?
The Eruption of Thera
The island known as Santorini lies approximately 45 miles (75 km) north of Crete. According to the traditional history it was an important constituent of the Cretan Minoan confederacy until that civilization ended, supposedly in the early part of the 15th century B.C., at a time when Egypt was ruled by its 18th dynasty. The island, known also by the name Thera, was volcanic, its central peak rising to a height of around 5000 feet (1600 m) According to prevailing scholarly opinion a series of eruptions, culmating in a cataclysmic explosion, destroyed a major part of the island around the year 1470 B.C. The explosion not only destroyed a major part of the island, including much of the Minoan population both there and on Crete, but so weakened the Minoan civilization that it soon succumbed to an invasion of Mycenaean Greeks and vanished from history.
The final vocanic eruption of Thera is the stuff of legends. The explosion has been favorably compared to that of Krakotoa, east of Java in 1883 of the present era. That recent massive upheaval send giant tidal waves throughout the south pacific and filled the atmosphere with ash that spread throughout the world, influencing climate for generations. Santorini, according to the experts, "was about 4 times larger than Krakotoa, and probably at least twice as violent. The fury of Santorini's final explosion is inferred from geologic core samples, from comparison to the detailed observations made on Krakotoa in 1883, and from the simulaneous obliteration of almost all Minoan settlements." One author (unidentified) summarizes the event as follows:
In summer, circa 1470 BC, Santorini exploded. Volcanic ash filled the sky, blotted out the sun, and triggered hail and lightning. A heavy layer of volcanic ash rained down over the Aegean, covering islands and crops. Earthquakes shook the land, and stone structures fell from the motion. When the enormous magma chamber at Santorini finally collapsed to form the existing caldera, enormous tsunamis (tidal waves) spread outward in all directions. The coastal villages of Crete were flooded and destroyed. The only major Minoan structure surviving the waves and earthquakes was the palace at Knossos, far enough insland to escape the tidal waves. But in the days that followed, volcanic ash covered some settlements, and defoliated the island. Buildings were completely covered in volcanic ash by the cataclysmic explosion. In famine from the ash, with the bulk of their civilization washed away, the remaining Minoans were overrun by Mycaeneans from Greece, and Knossos finally fell.
What was left in the aftermath of the great explosion was the jagged edge of the once proud and majestic volcano, the central caldera now covered by the Aegean sea, the rim less than a third the height of the original peak. A quick glimpse of the site immediately raises a question: What must have been the effects on contiguous areas of the ancient near east, indeed on the world, as this mountain turned to ash polluted the atmosphere and obliterated the sun for days and weeks or even months and years following? The event must have had severe consequences beyond those already noted for the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations.
Wednesday, September 27

QUIZ SATURDAY! (for serious)
Hey guys, a quick reminder, there will be a quiz on the Colonization of Hispanola on Saturday. It will have 2 id's and an essay, very simmilar to our formative trial run this week. Make sure you review your class notes and readings from both the Colonial Model Handout and the Eric Williams book. Be sure you are familiar with the following terms and can readily use them to analyze the historic period we are studying:
Crisis of Expectations
Free Market Economy
Tribute System
See you all on Saturday! Cheers and Ramadan Kareem

Please choose one thing that you think (at first glance) is completely useless to mankind's main priority (to survive and propogate). Then please write a 2 page paper logically and clearly explaining the benefits and contributions of that object in furthering mankind's main priority.
Your paper may contain outside research coupled with your own ideas.
Your paper should be 2 pages (max) 12 pt. times new roman font, and no variations on the boundaries. Your paper should be submitted to me on Wednesday. No later. You may submit your paper electronically if you so choose through my email address --
Hopefully you would choose something of similar apparant uselessness as these two rabbits on a skateboard.
Monday, September 25
hey all, here it is again, the second attempted post!!!!
Some Terms to know for Vocab: (if you don't know them and have them in your notes, you can allways check on!

Fertile Crescent
Mandate of Heaven
Cultural diffusion
SOME POSSIBLE LONG ANSWER (short essay) Topics:
What role did rivers have in the development of government?
What should be the main purpose of laws: to promote good behavior or to punish bad behavior?
Please prioritize the following based on which of them has the greatest impact on your personal culture: family, media, school or government.
Sunday, September 24
If you cannot find your post check the september archives!!!!
IB Presentation schedule:

Over the next week we will be dealing with primary sources. YOUR JOB is to present both these sources for what they are, but also to research and provide them in their Historical context. By doing so you will be able to respond to the opinions and facts within these sources. Be sure to cover the following in your presentations:
1. What is this document? (a paper, letter, interview) When was it produced and what lead to its production?
2. Who is the author of this document? What is their history? WHAT IS THEIR BIAS and WHAT CREATED THEIR BIAS?
3. What can we learn from this document?
4. What can we learn about this historical occurance from this document?
Please bring in an outline or your notes for us to look at while we listen to your presentation.
You will be assessed on both the factual and analytical content of your presentation, as well as the audience assesed on their invovlement in discussion, so make sure you are ALL prepared for class!
Here is the following presentation schedule for our primary sources on the Industrial Revolution:
Sept. 25: Yasmeen on "The Factory System: Working Conditions" pp. 124 to 131
Sept. 27: Ali on "Living Conditions" and "Defense of the Factory System" pp. 131 to 138
Oct. 1: Yasmine on "Reaction and Reform" UP TO "THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO"!!! pp. 138 to 148
Oct. 2: Hishem on "The communisy manifesto" 148 to 158
Wednesday, September 20
IB 2's review questions

You should be able to intelligently answer the following questions from your Mandelbaum reading!
1. What were England's 2 main security concerns in the early 19th century and how did they shape England's foreign policy?
2. What is the eastern question? How did it impact the efforts of the concert of europe?
3. Why was the Concert of Europe (specifically England) unconcerned about the Unification of Germany? Why was this unification not destabilizing?